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学史力行 | 美术教育学院、马克思主义学院联合开展红色主题课程创作活动


主 办:意大利驻广州总领事馆、广州美术学院

承 办:广州美术学院大学城美术馆


协 办:意大利文化处·北京

展 期:2010年9月28日至10月20日


展 厅:5、6号厅

Exhibition name: The Snows of Others—Mission to the land of the Three Rivers (1933-1952)

Organiser: The Consulate General ofItalyinGuangzhou,GuangzhouAcademyof Fine Arts

Host: TheUniversity CityArt MuseumofGuangzhouAcademyof Fine Arts

Exhibition Curator: Centre for Advanced Studies on ContemporaryChina

In collaboration with: The Italian Institute of Culture inBeijing

Duration: 28thSep 2010 to 20thOct 2010

Venue: TheUniversity CityArt MuseumofGuangzhouAcademyof Fine Arts

Exhibition Halls: No. 5, 6






In 1035, Saint Bernard of Menthon built a hospice on the Mont Joux peak, the most ancient pass through theAlps. The hospice was run by a congregation of canons, with the aim of assisting mountain travellers and providing shelter.

In the 16th century the hospice, together with the pass, were named Great Saint Bernard. The hospice’s fame was also due to the dogs used in mountain rescues, named after this patron saint of mountaineers and climbers.

Between 1933 and 1952, the canons of the Great Saint Bernard sent four missions toYunnanprovince. The area extends from north to south, confined between the natural barriers of the Yangtze river, the Salween river and theMekongriver, from Yanjing (in Tibetan known as Yerkalo) to Weixi.The views offered by the three rivers, separated by mountains reaching heights of more than 4,500 meters, are unique.

During the mission’s twenty years the canons took over the French Catholic fathers’ mission stations. They built a shelter, and began the construction of a hospice on thepeakofLatsa, opening many schools, and in particular Hualuoba school.Most notably, the congregation of canons was able to enter an almost impenetrable universe of diverse ethnicities, religions, customs and traditions.

This exhibition is the result of extensive research, financed by CASCC (Center for Advanced Studies on Contemporary China)andundertaken patiently and meticulously by a centre researcher, Lea Glarey. Ms. Glarey literally dug into the Great Saint Bernard of Martigny Canon’s archives and discovered ample material, with extraordinarydocumentativeand anthropological value. The many photos and two videos presented here serve as the mirror for the fascinating yet unexplored histories of those individuals that lived during that era.


学院地址:广州市海珠区昌岗东路257号/番禺区广州大学城外环西路168号,版权所有:广州美术学院 粤ICP备09183285号-2